9390 E Bell RdScottsdale, AZ 85260Sub Locations
- Field 15 Field 15
- Field 16 Field 16
Chauncey Ranch - DH Team Camp
Eldorado Park
Eldorado Park: Sports Field Parking Lot MAP
**DIRECTIONS TO ELDORADO PLEASE NOTE** The address to the park will take you to the west side of the park. The soccer field is on the EAST side, there is a creek that splits the park that you cannot cross. You will want to access the field off 77th St. Please see the map for details, where is says PARK HERE!
Eldorado Park Map_Parking Lot_Sports Field.png
15444 N 100th StScottsdale, AZ 85260Sub Locations
- Field 1
- Field 2
- Field 3
- Field 4
Kiva Elementary School
Enter the gates by the NORTH end of the field closer to the school and bathrooms indicated by the two RED dots.
500 S McQueen RdGilbert, AZ 85233Sub Locations
- Field 1
- Field 2
- Field 3
- Field 4
8625 E. Mountain View RdScottsdale, AZ 85258Sub Locations
- Middle Soccer Field
810 W Naranja DrOro Valley, AZ 85737Sub Locations
- Field 1
- Field 2
- Field 3
Naranja Park: Oro Valley
Entering off Tangerine!
The normal entrance is going through construction and they built a temporary drive from Tangerine down to the fields. Parking is on north, west, and east of the two over-sized fields
Paiute Park
Paiute park is located in a very tight neighborhood (you can easily get stuck/lost). Follow the map below for parking instructions. There is a main lot that is small/ tight not easy to get in and out of. There is another small space cars can park in a back entrance see map, you CAN NOT get to this parking via the Osborn access. The turn off is just south of the Circle K.
Riverview Park
We will be close to the fields by the round a bout. Close to Sheraton Hotel. There is parking off Cubs Way to the north by field.
8081 E. Princess DrScottsdale, AZ 85255Sub Locations
- Field 7
- Field 8
- Field 9
- Field 10
Scottsdale Sports Complex
Scottsdale Sports Complex
7700 E Roosevelt StScottsdale, AZ 85267Sub Locations
- Field 1
- Field 2
- Field 3